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Osservatorio Giovani OCPG

Giovani e Creatività


Negli ultimi anni le scienze sociali ed economiche si sono sempre più interessate al campo delle politiche culturali e dell'industria culturale. In particolare, alcuni studi si sono concentrati sulla vita degli artisti, sulle loro carriere professionali e sul loro status sociale, ponendo l'attenzione al ruolo ricoperto da essi all'interno delle società e del loro sviluppo. Diversi autori hanno incentrato i propri interessi sulla necessità e validità del supporto pubblico ai giovani talenti attraverso finanziamenti diretti o indiretti. Altri invece si sono soffermati sul ruolo che il libero mercato può avere nello sviluppo delle carriere degli artisti. Il dibattito resta aperto in vari campi delle scienze e all'interno delle diverse nazioni.


Per approfondire

  • Bain A., McLean H. (2013), The Artistic Precariat, in "Cambridge Journal of Regions Economic and Society", Volume: 6, pages: 93-111, March


  • Banks M., David H. (2009), Looking for work in creative industries policy, in "International Journal of Cultural Policy", Volume: 15, pages: 415-430, November


  • Baumol W.J., Bowen W.G. (1965), On the performing arts: the Anatomy of their Economic Problems, in "The American Economic Review", Volume: 55, no.1/2, pages: 495-502, March


  • Brooks A.C. (1999), Do Public Subsidies Leverage Private Philanthropy for the Arts? Empirical Evidence on Symphony Orchestras, in "Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly", Volume: 28, Issue 1, pages: 32-45, March


  • Canclini N.G. (2013), Precarious Creativity: Youth In A Post-Industrial Culture, in "Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies", Volume: 22, Issue 4, pages: 341-352, November


  • Florida R. (2002), Class distinctions for the global economy, in "Basic Book", page 404


  • Frey B. S. (1999), State Support and Creativity in the Arts: Some New Considerations, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 23, Issue 1-2, pages: 71-85, March


  • Fullerton D. (1991), On Justifications for public support of the arts, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 15, pages: 67-82, December


  • Rengers M. (2002), Economic Lives of Artists, in "Utrecht University Repository" (Dissertation), June


  • Heikkinen M. (1995), Evaluating the Effects of Direct Support on the Economic Situation of Artists, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 19, Issue 3, pages: 261-272, September


  • Hitters E. (1992), Culture and Capital in the 1990s: Private Support for the Arts and Urban Change in the Netherlands, in "Built Environment (1978-)", Volume: 18, No.2, pages: 111-122


  • Horowitz H. (1993), The Status of Artists in the U.S.A., in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 17, No.1, pages: 29-48, June


  • Infantino J. (2011), Trabajar como artista. Estrategias, prácticas y representaciones del trabajo artístico entre jóvenes artistas circenses, in "Cuadernos de Antropología Social", Volume: 38, pages: 141-163, December


  • Jyrämä A., Äyväri A. (2005), Can the Knowledge-Creation Process Be Managed? A Case Study of an ArtistTraining Project, in "International Journal of Arts Management", Volume: 7, no.2, pages: 4-14


  • Karhunen P. (1996), The interaction between artists' professional training and employment in the field of finnish theatre, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 20, Issue 2, pages: 165-175, March


  • Kartunnen S. (1998), How to identify artists? Defining the population for 'status-of-the-artist' studies, in "Elsevier Poetics", Volume: 26, Issue 1, pages: 1-19, September


  • Kay A. (2000), Art and community development: the role the arts have in regenerating communities, in "Community Development Journal", Volume: 35, Issue 4, pages: 414-424, October


  • Kea European Affairs (2009), The Impact of Culture on Creativity, in "Kea European Affairs", June


  • Kong L. (2000), Cultural policy in Singapore: negotiating economic and socio-cultural agendas, in "Elsevier Geoforum", Volume: 31, Issue 4, pages: 409-424, November


  • Menger P.M. (1999), Artistic labour markets and careers, in "Annual Review of Sociology", Volume: 25, pages: 541-574, August


  • Menger P.M. (2001), Artists as workers: Theoretical and methodological challenges, in "Elsevier Poetics", Volume: 28, Issue 4, pages: 241-254, February


  • Mulcahy K. V. (2010), Cultural Patronage in Comparative Perspective: Public Support for the Arts in France, Germany, Norway, and Canada, in "The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society", Volume: 27, pages: 247-263, March


  • Murray C., Gollmitzer M. (2011), Escaping the precarity trap: a call for creative labour policy, in "International Journal of Cultural Policy", Volume: 18, Issue 4, pages: 419-438, July


  • Pratt A.C. (2005), Cultural industries and public policy, in "International Journal of Cultural Policy", Volume: 11, Issue 1, pages: 31-44, August


  • Rengers M., Plug E. (2001), Private or Public? How Dutch Visual Artists Choose between Working for the Market and the Government, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 25, no.1, pages: 1-20, February


  • Throsby D. (1994), The Production and Consumption of the Arts: A View of Cultural Economics, in "Journal of Economic Literature", Volume: 32, no.1, pages: 1-29, March


  • Walther A., Hejl G. M. (2002), Jensen T. B., Youth transitions, youth policy and participation, in "European Youth Studies", January


  • Wassall H. G., Alper O. N. (1985), Occupational characteristics of artists: a statistical analysis, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 9, no.1, pages: 13-34, June


  • Zimmer A., Toepler S. (1999), The Subsidized Muse: Government and the Arts in Western Europe and the United States, in "Journal of Cultural Economics", Volume: 23, Issue 1-2, pages: 33-49, March

